Welcome to a Tribute to Abhi

Hi guys. My name is Paul Martin, and Abhi was my beloved son. I have set this site up as a place where you can leave your tributes and memories, sharing them with others who cared about Abhi. Each of us had a unique perspective of Abhi. I knew him as a gentle, selfless, caring, considerate, loving, intelligent and witty human being. It is almost incomprehensible to me that Abhi is gone, and it will take some time to come to terms with this. I miss him terribly.
Please tell your friends about this site, so they can share their thoughts. You're welcome to ask any questions and I'll answer as best I can. I've posted the photos we had at the funeral on Monday 18 December 2006 at Springvale.
To view any comments left on this site, or to add your own comments, click on the green link just below, with the time of this posting.
We compiled a CD that we distributed at the funeral (over 140 copies so far). The music consists of tracks that Abhi liked, but mostly that help us remember him. The Lion Sleeps Tonight is a track that a couple or so years ago I played full blast in the lounge room with Abhi, his then 3 year old brother and I were dancing to wildly. We played the track three times in a row. This probably sounds typical of Abhi to those of you who knew him well.
If you'd like a free copy of the CD, contact me by email direct at pmartin1960 [at] hotmail [dot] com (adjusted for spam avoidance). You may also contact me direct at this address if you would like to discuss anything that you'd rather not post publicly on this site.
If there's anything you'd like to say to us, Abhi's family, don't be shy. We may be grieving, but we really, really appreciate hearing from Abhi's friends and hearing their stories. If there's anything we can do to support you in our mutual grief, it is of mutual benefit. It might sound like a cliche, but we are united in grief.
Thanks. Paul.
(Photos: (1) Stephensons Falls near Lorne, 15/10/06; (2) Provisions Cafe, Williamstown, 4/9/05 (our favourite weekend cafe); (3) Vegie Bar, Fitzroy, 20/3/05 (our favourite restaurant - did you know Abhi and his family are vegetarian?)
Dear Abhi, as I sit here today I cannot fathom that you will not be visiting us this weekend. Your Christmas present sits in the cupboard awaiting your arrival. Although you are not my son, you were still my stepson and the love/pain is the same. I miss you and will miss you always. You were a beautiful boy. As Alexander said in his letter "I want you back". I realise however this is selfish. I hope you are free of your burdens. May peace and love be with you always. I love you. Zoe.
Dear Abhi,
you left so suddenly and it's hard to know exactly why. I always said you could turn to me, but i knew in a way you never would. If only i had gone after you when you left the class, or never showed up i was too wrapped up in my schoolwork to see how you were suffering on your own. All i can say is now that i miss you and i will always continue to do so. I'll miss your quirkiness, i have picked up some good habits from you. It will be hard going to school that is all i can say.
Love Bianca a.k.a "Miss Biancs" as you called me
Dear Abhi, I could never understand the ways you acted during class, very strange but unique. You were a great indervidual with an upbeat attitude, always drawing snakes. You always used to beat me when you, nick, kai, bianca and i played cards... Although you cannot be seen or heard your presence will always be with us.....good bye
Tom "tommyboy" mcdonald
DeAR ABhi.. mAy yOu rEsT in PeAcE in HeAvEn FoR EtErNiTy, YoUr sPiRiT AnD MeMoRiEs wIlL liVe On fOrEvEr, i WiSh i hAd Of gOtTeN tO KnoW u a LiTtLe bEtTeR But i knOw YoU WeRe A gReAt PeRsON. iTs a TReMeNdOuS LOsS AnD WiLl Be mIsSiNg YoU aLwAyS.
Abhi!.. im sorry to say that ii wasn't strong enough to stand up &nd speak at your funeral... from above yooh probably saw Kai read out my thoughts for mee instead. Yooh were always there to keep us company &nd ii will sadly miss all the times that we spent around our card table at hallam &nd all the detailed discussions of japanese anime! .. also the times when yooh said ii couldn't draw as well as yooh... im sad that ii only got to know for just a short space of time, probably for just around about 6 months but to mee yooh will will nevah be forgotten.
r.i.p `abhi =]
i'll always miss yooh &nd love yooh, but this is not adieu, but only au revior.. until we chance to meet agenn
`aliCee xOx
Hi Paul, I hope that you are Ok. Ok is about as good as it gets.
My son Julian died ten years ago now, at the age of 12. He had cardiomyopathy and died 48 hours after a heart transplant. Sometimes transplanted organs do not function.
You have to regard a life as complete, even if it is shorter than you would have wished. Abhi's life is complete. And he will always be with you.
Grief has been a rough road for me, partly self-inflicted. One thing that you can say 'to the world' is that it can't hurt you as much as you have already been hurt. You have nothing to fear now, including death.
If there's anything I can do...sometimes it helps to talk to someone who has a similar experience to your own.
I picked up the thread of your situation on the ABC online site - I 'appear' there sometimes as 'Titanium'. My name is Jeff Sinclair. Email jeffsinclair249@hotmail.com.
All the best.
Abhi u were a great guy, but ur time had come so will all of ours soon we will join in heaven r.i.p
As Abhi's aunty, i am still grieving for the boy I remembered so well when he was younger.
I saw Abhi a few months prior to his death, and we said that we were going to catch up, but due to lifes fast pace, I didnt take the time to keep this appointment with him!
I have regrets that I didnt take the time to get to know him as he got older and to have been there for him when and if he needed me.
I know that he was so loved by his father, Paul and mum and Champak as well as his friends at school.
This was made so clear by his friends at his funeral!
I do know that Abhi wasn't into religion these days, but whilst I was in India this year, I made a special prayer (puja)in a wholy lake in 'Pusha' specially for Abhi.
I feel that Abhi is at peace and where he wants to be.
My love to you, Abhi.
love Wendy
To Dearest Abhi, I miss you so so much! The more time goes on the more I realise just how much you were such an important part of my life. I miss your dry humour, your witty remarks, our walks, our bitch sessions, our philosophical conversations, the fires we used to light in the backyard as kids. I miss everything about you and I treasure the memories we have.
There's so much more I have to say but it all seems trivial now. Your passing has helped me realise the importance of family and to never take anything (life),for granted. I cannot wait for us to meet again and there is not one day that goes by where I do not think about you, with much love and compassion your older(but not wiser)sister. Champak XXX OOO
Dear Abhi, all my love, kisses and hugs. We all miss you so much. Love Zoe.
Dear Abhi, all is lost and found again. Alexander spoke of you the other day when he recalled a family memory. You have so much in common. I think of you often, I think because you broke our hearts when you left. Some will never mend...
Abhi I love you
Dear Abhi as the years go by we never forget you. You broke all our hearts, forever. We always remember you. How long will I love you?
Ah Abhi, nine years have passed and I feel you with me still. I take solace from your physical absence in the support I feel, when I care to think of you. And so you remain more accessible to me now than ever...
Dear Abhi, today we remember your smile and beautiful spirit. We miss you so much. We all have so much love for you. I hope you feel loved.
Hello Abhi, spirit comes in abode and goes. I miss you. I will love you always, Champaka xx
Dear Abhi, we miss you more than ever. We remember you often. I wish you were here, Alexander has needed you so much. We all love you. Your absence left a hole in our hearts forever. We are not the same. Until we meet again sweet sweet boy. All my love Zoe
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